May 31, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign, Answered!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 1:09 pm
Man smiling at dentist holding Invisalign aligner

Over the last two decades, Invisalign has become known for its discreet aligners, shorter treatment timelines, and hassle-free approach to orthodontics. Of course, it’s still natural for patients to have questions before committing, like “Does it hurt?” and “Is there anything I can’t eat with Invisalign?” Although your dentist would be more than happy to answer questions like these at your consultation, you can also read on to learn the answers right here! 


May 10, 2023

5 Non-Aesthetic Benefits of Invisalign

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 3:00 pm
Man in white shirt smiling while holding Invisalign aligner

When people hear “Invisalign,” their mind often goes to “clear aligners.” Since the concept of discreet orthodontic treatment was revolutionary when it debuted in the late 1990s, that’s not too surprising! However, there are several non-aesthetic benefits of Invisalign that are equally as noteworthy. To learn what they are, read on.
