Glisten Dental Care of Tulsa Blog

January 30, 2020

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 7:32 pm

woman in job interview

You’ve got an interview coming up for the job of your dreams. You couldn’t be more excited. However, a small part of you is nervous about the cracks, chips, stains, or misalignment of your teeth. Will your interviewer think less of you? Will you not get the job because of a flaw in your smile? To avoid taking that risk, let’s talk about some cosmetic dentistry options that can help you land the job.


November 16, 2019

Grinding Your Teeth at Night? How to Manage Bruxism this Holiday Season

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 3:40 pm

Stressed sleeping woman grinding teethThe holiday season is almost here, which means there are presents to buy, parties to plan, and family gatherings to survive. Most people agree that while the holidays are the best time of year, they can also be the most stressful. Even though grabbing a gift at the store before rushing off to the annual Christmas party at work may feel like just a normal part of the season, a stressful holiday can be damaging. If you ignore your stress during the day, you may be hurting your oral health at night. Many people suffer from something called bruxism, which seriously damage your teeth while you sleep. Bruxism can threaten to keep you from getting into the holiday spirit by causing poor sleep, headaches, and even tooth damage.


August 21, 2019

5 Tooth-Friendly Items Every School Lunch Needs

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 5:29 pm

school lunches in bagsLife gets a little more hectic when the school year starts, and as a parent, one of the most important things you have to think about is what you’re going to pack for your child’s lunch. The challenge is to create a meal that’s big enough, healthy enough, and tasty enough that your child will actually eat it and feel nice and full afterward, but not drowsy. Another factor to consider is how “tooth-friendly” their lunch is, as diet has a HUGE influence on dental health. To help you cross one more item off your checklist, here are 5 essential items you should always pack to guarantee a healthy, nutritious, and delicious lunch. (more…)

July 24, 2019

Summer is the Perfect Time for Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 2:05 pm

Impacted wisdom toothIf there’s a teenager in your family, they’re probably enjoying their summer vacation right now; relaxation is the only thing on their minds. However, summer could also be an excellent opportunity to have their wisdom teeth removed. This procedure is usually necessary to avoid a lot of pain and oral health complications. Here’s why you should take advantage of the break from school to schedule wisdom tooth extractions for the teens in your family.


June 21, 2019

What to Do If You Have a Cracked Dental Crown

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:52 pm

diagram of dental crown

You’ve had a long week and want to relax with a movie and some snacks. You settle in on the couch with a bowl of chips. Suddenly you hear a crunch. It’s a lot louder than eating chips normally is. Then you feel searing pain in your mouth. You spit out your chips into your napkin, and you notice that a piece of your crown has come off! You feel the jagged edge of what is left behind in your mouth. What should do you in this situation? A dentist discusses what you need to do if you have a cracked dental crown.


April 4, 2019

By the Numbers: What You Should Know About Oral Cancer in Tulsa

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 2:14 pm

teeth mold holding a cigaretteWhen people think of cancer, they often assume it’s something they’ll never have to experience. It’s always someone else’s parent, friend, or uncle who is diagnosed. Unfortunately, that mentality is what keeps many from being screened, especially for oral cancer in Tulsa. If you haven’t been to your dentist lately, it’s time to schedule an appointment! Not only will you leave with a glowing smile, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’ve been thoroughly checked for any signs of oral cancer. Find out more about this deadly disease and why your dentist wants you to be screened.


March 8, 2019

4 Reasons to Get a Smile Makeover in Tulsa

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 7:12 pm

woman smiling profile

Looking at your smile in the mirror, do you notice things that you wish you could fix? Does it make you feel self-conscious? When you think of cosmetic dentistry, you probably think of procedures that exclusively help your teeth look better. Well, although cosmetic procedures do, in fact, help with aesthetics, they can have a much more significant impact on your life and well-being in the long term than you might think. Here are four benefits of getting a smile makeover in Tulsa. (more…)

February 6, 2019

Learn About Your Sedation Dentistry Options in Tulsa!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 11:18 pm

Dental phobia and anxiety have become an all-too-common issue for dentists in the United States. Between 30 and 40 million Americans avoid going to the dentist every year due to fear and anxiety, which is quite alarming. That means that millions of Americans cannot get the care they need to maintain long-term oral health, even if they want to get it done.

But just because you have dental anxiety doesn’t mean your oral health should suffer in the process. Learn your sedation dentistry options in Tulsa to find out what you can do to bypass fear and anxiety!


January 3, 2019

Want a Healthier, More Beautiful Smile in 2019? A Dentist In Tulsa Can Help!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 6:57 am

Smiling woman with sign that reads, "New Year, New You"You might think that wanting your smile to look great is a sign of vanity. But, in fact, the way your smile looks is directly related to the health of your teeth and gums! By default, straight, cavity-free teeth and healthy gums will automatically look better than when oral health problems are present. And by having a dentist in Tulsa address these issues, you’ll be killing two birds with one stone and wind up with a smile that not only feels great, but that you’re also proud to show off. And since 2019 just got started, why not take advantage and make this the year you achieve great oral health? Keep reading to learn about some of the procedures that can help you do that!


October 6, 2018

Step Up Your Dental Hygiene Routine This October

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_nauman @ 6:52 pm

oral hygiene suppliesThis month is when most people are indulging in pumpkin-flavored goodies and planning for various celebrations. But did you know that October is also National Dental Hygiene Month? It’s the perfect time to evaluate how your daily habits affect your smile’s health and cleanliness. Let’s talk about how you can get into the spirit of this annual observance and perhaps even make improvements to your daily routine for dental hygiene in Tulsa.


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